April 27, 2017
A complete ecosystem of grocery management for the elderly. Connect the elderly with their care provider. The system includes IoT enabled refrigerator, mobile app etc.
Living away from our elderly parents and grandparents, we often have these worries like: "Are they eating healthy?" "What do they need?" "What can we do for them?" These concerns lead us to think about the general elderly population and their special needs when it comes to managing their food, a very important factor towards living healthy lives.
Based on our preliminary user study with the team members' parents and grandparents, we identified the elders’ special needs.
Meanwhile, their care providers are looking for better ways to meet the needs of their elderly family members. Living separately from their children, the elderly need the care from their children far more than any kind of technology solutions; however, children are often hindered by the high communication cost to provide effective care. We want to help both sides through a new design.
A ecosystem centered around grocery management, which includes 3 main features:
Team Lead, Backend Implementation(AI&CV), Hardware Prototyping, UI/Interaction Design
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